Monday, January 28, 2008

I have a confession

I haven't been entirely honest with any of you lately about the status of my relationship. It's been going downhill and it's time to come clean.

It started innocently enough. A quick glance while visiting a friend. A longer look. A lingering touch. One thing lead to another, and I knew it was time to move on. I've talked to a friend and she's encouraged me to move forward and let go of the past.

I considered my current relationship. While it had started out well enough, things have been going downhill for the past year or so. He's been for therapy on three different occasions but things don't seem to get any better. I still have to beg to get him to perform, and even at that it's touchy. Move the wrong way and he snaps. And man, my arm hurts afterwards from stroking him just so!

So I thought long and hard.

He's still good with the kids, so I haven't kicked him out entirely. I have explained that I have different needs now and he has agreed he will live upstairs as of yesterday. Hopefully we'll be able to maintain a working relationship.

The other one moved in uesterday afternoon.

He's tall and good looking, distinctively grey. He picks up around the house. The dogs aren't too sure of him, but the kids seem to like him. Me, I am thrilled. Couldn't ask for more. He's an animal in the bedroom, in the kitchen, in the living room - everywhere!!

An Absolute Animal. The Dyson DC17 version.

You know you are truely grown up when you get excited about new appliances!


Blogger pithydithy said...

I knew that no one with small children could care THAT much about sex! Appliances, on the other hand....

28 January, 2008 20:08  

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