Thursday, August 13, 2009

Family Reunion Joy

R's family reunion is coming up.

I hate these at the best of times - lemme tell you, sitting in a hotel room with the kids while everyone else golfs isn't exactly fun - but this year is even worse.

Cuz it's in Memphis.

Except not Memphis, Tennessee.

Nope, it's in Memphis, TX.

Where, you ask? There's a Memphis in Texas??

Oh yeah, and let me tell you what a rocking place it is! Population 2400 with a median male income of $24K and a median female income of $18K.

Trying to make the best of it, I googled it, looking for area attractions. Guess what came up in the list?

"Hugh's Funeral Home".

I understand people are dying to see it. (sorry, I could not help myself)

I simply cannot wait to go.


Blogger pithydithy said...

I bet that playing in the coffin display room would be lots of fun.

24 August, 2009 19:31  

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