Monday, February 19, 2007

not exactly what I had in mind

Way back when I decided to breastfeed H - and subsequent children - this is NOT what I had in mind.

I agree with the motto "It takes a village to raise a child".

And I also believe that you need the support of those around you in order to successfully nurse your child.

But tell me.... do I really need all three kids AND two of the cats in bed with me while S nurses? And do I need him sitting crosslegged beside me while I'm flat on my back, cuz he wants to be able to see his sisters sitting beside him? And do I need one child snuggled on one side asking questions about HER boobies while the other one lifts up her shirt to inspect her nipples?

Do I really need to cat attacking my foot every time I try to shift to get more comfortable? And his brother then attacking HIM for moving and disturbing his precious feline space?

Do I need to explain to a little boy that no, mommy's nipples weren't 6" long to begin with, and turning your head with a nipple in your mouth because your sisters are jumping up and downmaking mommy go "oof" and in turn making you laugh is NOT conducive to a good nursing relationship?

And I'll tell you what - it didn't help any when my dearly beloved stood at the end of the bed and asked how the heck I was still able to read with all of that going on.

Duh. I'm a mom. How else?


Blogger pithydithy said...

Oh. My. God.

You have seriously had me laughing for a solid 12 hours now. (In fact, I'm considering blaming all of the contracting on laughing so hard.) Your onesie arrived in the mail yesterday and it is the best present ever! Although I'm afraid that Mr. Pithy disagrees, it is an absolute stroke of genius, work of art, and wonderful gift! I can't wait for him to wear it!!!!! Did you do the embroidery yourself? I love, love, love it! Seriously! I'm off to post a photo of it in my journal (assuming you don't mind that I make everyone else jealous of the fabulous gift :-)

PS-- Sorry that I'm thanking you in your guestbook. I don't think that I have an email for you. (?) Mine, btw, is

23 February, 2007 11:50  
Blogger pithydithy said...

PS-- I'm totally neglecting to tell you that your breastfeeding entry also cracked me up. You are a woman of many talents.

23 February, 2007 11:50  
Blogger Michelle said...

You live in a circus. Seriously. How DO you do it?

23 February, 2007 16:25  
Blogger Stina said...

Question? Completely unrelated to your post (which was hilarious, BTW)? You go to WW meetings in person, don't you? (Or you did at some point?) Did you ever sign up for e-tools? Or did you ever get an access code for e-tools?

Here's what I'm looking for... WW has an application for my palmpilot (so I can take WW everywhere I go!) but it's not available on the Canadian website. The application is called "On The Go" and you can find info about it here

It SAYS that if you attend meetings it's a free add on? (Click "how to get it"...) But it asks for a access code. Do you have such a code? Could I borrow it? Or if downloading this palm thing doesn't cost you any money could you download it an email it to me?

It says the code is in your "Getting Started" book or in your e-tools brochure that your leader gave you. Does any of this sound familiar?

It is very frustrating that I can't get this here... What Canadian's aren't fat? I guess there aren't as many fat Canadians since we only have 1/10 of the US population... but STILL! Anyway... if this doesn't cost anything and it makes some sense I would really appreciate any help you could give me! Thanks - and sorry for the novel :). TTYL - Kristina

P.S. my email address is

P.P.S. Pithy's onesie is definitely adorable. He's going to look back at his baby pictures and wonder why N.U. was so funny!!! TTYL

24 February, 2007 17:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get it and that was what I was thinking the whole time. I do it cause I am the Momma. No more questioned needed.

03 March, 2007 16:36  

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