Thursday, March 08, 2007

Boy Genius... apparently

S is 18 months old. At his 18mo checkup, the pediatrician asked if he was putting two words together yet.

"Not really," I told her. "I mean, he's said Bye Mommy, but he's repeating, not doing it of his own accord".

She wasn't concerned. And neither was I.

However, a week and a half later, I am pleased to announce that the S-man is indeed putting two words together.

What two words, you ask?

"Big" and "boobie".

His father is so proud. His mother is thinking it's time to wean!



Blogger JMB said...

Why is it that the Dads find this so damn amusing? Yeah, might be time to wean....

09 March, 2007 13:07  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cracking up Kenna. He is a boy and knows what he likes. ;)

11 March, 2007 19:42  
Blogger MB said...

hahahahahaha. I love that kid. Don't know how I missed this post.

29 March, 2007 07:59  

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