Monday, March 19, 2007

Thinking outside the box

My parents are in town over Spring Break. Yesterday, H asks Grandma to please read her a story... from the Sunday funnies.

So Grandma reads her The Family Circus. One of the kids asks mom if they can have some peanuts - mom says just one handful - the kid asks dad if he can borrow dad's hand. Of course, H is just 6 years old and doesn't necessarily get the humor, so Grandma tries to explain it to her.

She and H compare their hands. Grandma says to H, "Now which handful would you rather have?".

H points to her own hand and says, "This one!".

I can't help but laugh. Grandma asks why she would rather have that hand.

"Well," says H. "After I get my handful there won't be any left for your handful!"

Of course not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay seriously Miss Kenna, where the heck did you go? I haven't heard from you in what seems like ages. Are you out there in the internet world somewhere? (SAID TO AN ECHO)

24 March, 2007 11:21  

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