Saturday, May 06, 2006

Well I certainly suck.

DH asks me today if I have a blog. Oh sure, I tell him, I have about six. (OK, not really, but I keep one on TLOL just for S, and I kept 2 others for the girls there as well). So he asks if I will share them with him, so long as I don't mind him reading.

Naturally I don't mind - after all, my "bitch about my stupid-ass husband" one is safely hidden away behing 50 locks and passwords and restricted viewer lists (HAHA, honey, go try and find it now!!!). And I tell him I'll email him the link to this one, cuz nobody ever reads it anyways.

So off I go to the main page.... and I suddenly notice "Oh hey, it says I have comments. WTF? It's supposed to email me when I have comments. WTH is going on??"

So I go back a few entries and realize there are comments on almost every entry! And some of those comments are QUESTIONS.

So here's a big ole apology to anyone who I've inadvertently ignored. Like I said, I suck!! And I'm going to go figure out why I'm not getting emails anymore just as soon as I post this. Probably because I never changed my email address after I moved. You'd think with all the chaos of moving that would have been top of my list, right??

In short:
AMH - I have a Nojo padded sling I got at BRU and I also have an unpadded Maya-wrap type that I made. I used the unpadded one with A, but she was so much smaller and her weight never caused it to feel heavy. I tend to use my padded Nojo with S... but then, he's a solid 23lbs at 8mos and the padding helps ease some of his weight.

Kristina - OK, OK, she's friendly, but she also listens well. Like when I tell her to lie down, she actually does. Unlike her partners in crime who are shamelessly terribly behaved, although they mean well, Molly is a very GOOD dog. Besides fence jumping (she prefers to use the front door to come back in the house), her only major vice is she has stinky breath. Oh, and she HATES plastic Dora dolls. Or maybe she loves them, I'm not sure. I just know we have had a few casualties - headless dollies - and she is the culprit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get comments emailed to me as well, but I accidently marked one as spam once, so for a period of about two weeks, I didn't the same exact thing.

06 May, 2006 14:45  

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