Wednesday, August 23, 2006

So you think your house is babyproofed....

I'm rethinking my career as a daycare provider. I'm thinking that instead I may go into helping people spot the places that need to be babyproofed in their home. I have a sure fire method. Mind you, it may be shortlived as S won't always be this inqusitive.... will he?

This morning's tale of terror begins with a stinky poopy diaper. This wasn't your ordinary stinky diaper either. The child has been on a 90% grapes diet lately. OK, not really, but the one thing he eats with gusto is grapes. So he's eaten a lot. And let's face it, they really help get the poop chute going. Ugh.

Shortly after cleaning his bum up and getting him dressed, I released him as I normally do and set about my morning routine - getting coffee, greeting my daycare kids, that kind of thing. I was having a snuggle with 3yo A when I heard S start to cry. Not a "I'm hurt" cry either - more his "OK, I'm done with this" kind of cry. So I figured he'd be coming along shortly from wherever he was.

His crying didn't stop, so I went to investigate.

Now I WOULD have a picture of what I found to insert here, but I figured I better be a good mom and pick up my crying child instead of running for the camera. HOWEVER.... last night, R didn't turn the shower sprayer off after bathing the girls. And this morning, S turned on the hot water and the cold water and then turned the shower sprayer outside of the tub.

So I was faced with a flooded bathroom and a dripping wet child who was clearly no longer having fun. :)

All I really have to say at this point is thank GOD for concrete floors and the Hoover Floormate. No damage to anyone, my floor needed to be washed anyways (although I was thinking SLIGHTLY less wet methods), and S WAS lovely and clean again. I say WAS because he just crawled into here and it smells like he's dropped another grape bomb in his diaper.

Nature vs nurture my ass. The girls were NEVER like this! :)


Blogger Stina said...

Yeah... our boys must have been twins in another life!! LisserB likes it when we visit so she can find all the holes in her babyproofing before Chaylyn is old enough to find them. And sure enough! He never lets her down!!

Listen- thanks for all the help with this daycare stuff. I've never done this before and your advice and reassurances mean SOOO much to me. You really are helping so much... I just wish I could return the favour. Oh, well, maybe someday :). TTYL-Kristina

23 August, 2006 11:55  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That pic would've been almost as funny/bad as the falling out of the pool one!

31 August, 2006 07:51  

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