Sunday, September 24, 2006


About two weeks ago, I did something insane.

I took four children ages 3 and under grocery shopping.


And they were remarkably well behaved. I'm always so proud of them when I take them all out in public at one time and people comment on how good they all are. I often get asked if they are all mine (no), if I run a daycare (yes), or if I'm just nuts (debatable, but probably yes). People often want to know if R & L are twins (no, they aren't related at all).

Anyways, on this particular Wednesday, we dropped H off at school and headed to our slap-happy Super WalMart to get groceries. I was a bit concerned, but I managed to snag a cart with the big blue double seater thing on it, sat R & L (both 2) in there, plopped S in the cart seat, and had A walk along with me. Did the pharmacy stuff (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc), and headed back to get beer.

Back in the "snack" section, I perused the malt beverages, quickly trying to figure out which to fill our new garage fridge ($40!) with. As I stood there, A started to sing something quietly.

And then R started in.

Before I knew it, I had a 2yo and a 3yo singing about beer and laughing hysterically. And my 1yo and other 2yo were cracking up right along with them.

I had visions of my licensing rep arriving just then to ask what I was doing, whether I was teaching the children all about beer or what. I silently thanked my lucky stars for not having anything identifying myself as a daycare as well.

I decided AGAINST buying beer at that time, given the way the kids were singing about it.... something about contributing to the delinquency of a minor, after all. Instead, we went off to find the peanut butter.... ;)


Blogger said...

Om my lord. I can just picture THAT! I was actually thinking it was an unusual field trip for a day care, but whatever, you know? And then you said they were singing beer songs... :) Made my morning, thanks!

01 October, 2006 09:44  

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