Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Important things I learned today

1) A little glitter goes a LONG ways. Particularly when the top falls off as you are shaking it out. And when I say long ways, I mean all over the house.

2) Aforementioned glitter can double as your Christmas decorating. Like when daycare parents arrive and comment on the footprints leading all over the house, simply smile and say "Yes, those are Santa's magical footprints!". (Parents will wonder if you are into the rum and eggnog early, but don't worry!)

3) A lopsided Santa face can be explained as one too many houses leaving beer out instead of cookies and milk.

4) Peppermint candy lollipop cookies are not as easy to make as the magazine claims. However, they can be saved when you finally yell obscenties and smash the red and white dough together in a shapeless heap. Simply pour yourself some more kahlua (to drink!), roll out the dough again, and cut out candycane shapes. Voila!

5) It IS possible to smooth-ice a cake while dancing with a sleepy baby on your shoulder.

6) Spit-up and buttercream icing look remarkably similar when on a fleece shirt. They do not, however, taste anything alike.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The first Christmas concert

Last night was H's first Christmas concert. All of the 4yo morning program perfomed their songs and fingerplays on stage while proud parents and grandparents watched and cameras flashed wildly.

Ever the mom, I kept my fingers crossed that H would remember what I told her as I left her with her classmates - "Don't lift up your dress please!!!"

I was so proud when she walked out on stage and smiled. Even prouder when she did every single action even when the kids beside her weren't. I even managed to see the humor during the finale when she was tickling the child beside her with the ties on her dress.

But the final shining moment was when she walked off the stage afterwards and proudly announced in a VERY loud voice, "I DIDN'T LIFT MY DRESS UP MOM, ARE YA PROUD OF ME OR WHAT?".

Gosh I love that kid.

Her sister was also a crackup. The performance was in the Performing Arts Center at the highschool. A sat down in on of the theater-style chairs and informed me "I need popcorn!". I tried to explain that we weren't at a movie (she's been to a whole TWO in her life), but she was insistent that she needed popcorn. Naturally, there was none to be had.

She thoroughly enjoyed herself though, clapping when everyone else clapped and later amusing herself by singing her own variation of what the children were singing, complete with "Bingo Bells".

Geriatric version of Jingle Bells, perhaps??

The writing on the wall.

A couple of weeks ago, I was having a tubbie with Sutton when I had the most ferocious letdown. As milk sprayed voraciously against the side of the tub, I looked at dh (who was waiting to take the baby) and said "Hey, I could write my name in the snow!".

He just about fell off the toilet seat where he was perched as he started to say the exact same thing.

Since then, we've had great fun with it, including "You'll put your eye out!" when I'm streaming across the room.

See? Breastfeeding really IS best - how else would I have insane moments like that? LOL