Sunday, September 24, 2006


About two weeks ago, I did something insane.

I took four children ages 3 and under grocery shopping.


And they were remarkably well behaved. I'm always so proud of them when I take them all out in public at one time and people comment on how good they all are. I often get asked if they are all mine (no), if I run a daycare (yes), or if I'm just nuts (debatable, but probably yes). People often want to know if R & L are twins (no, they aren't related at all).

Anyways, on this particular Wednesday, we dropped H off at school and headed to our slap-happy Super WalMart to get groceries. I was a bit concerned, but I managed to snag a cart with the big blue double seater thing on it, sat R & L (both 2) in there, plopped S in the cart seat, and had A walk along with me. Did the pharmacy stuff (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc), and headed back to get beer.

Back in the "snack" section, I perused the malt beverages, quickly trying to figure out which to fill our new garage fridge ($40!) with. As I stood there, A started to sing something quietly.

And then R started in.

Before I knew it, I had a 2yo and a 3yo singing about beer and laughing hysterically. And my 1yo and other 2yo were cracking up right along with them.

I had visions of my licensing rep arriving just then to ask what I was doing, whether I was teaching the children all about beer or what. I silently thanked my lucky stars for not having anything identifying myself as a daycare as well.

I decided AGAINST buying beer at that time, given the way the kids were singing about it.... something about contributing to the delinquency of a minor, after all. Instead, we went off to find the peanut butter.... ;)

Friday, September 01, 2006

I wonder if I should be concerned.....

A (3.5yrs) just came hopping down the stairs and asked, "Do you wanna know what's in my lunchbox?".

"Sure" I said, somewhat foolishly. After all, I should know better by now.

So what does she tell me?


And laughs the fiendish laugh only A can laugh. She is a total cutie, but an absolute stinker with a demonic streak in her.

She carries on. "You want to see what's in my lunchbox?".

Naturally, my curiosity has been piqued. I mean, she insisted on packing HER snack when we packed H's this morning, and I know what was in there then. Two chocolate chip cookies and a small package of fruit gummies.

She opens her ladybug pack, rips out two FRUITIES and sticks them on her shirt, right where her nipples are.


And she laughs that crazy woman laugh again that makes me wonder if this child is sane. But I digress. I know she's not. :) And I love her even more for it.