Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Tale of Target

ON Saturday, we headed to Target to get a birthday gift for one of H's classmates.

True to form, S decided he NEEDED to ride in a cart and it NEEDED to be a big red one, so R gets one and brings it over to where the kids and I are checking out the Dollar Spot stuff. When R realizes what all we're NOT getting and sees we really don't need a cart, he goes to put it back, leaving me with the kids.

Naturally all 3 kids are begging for various things. There are a couple of Tinkerbell items that would make good stocking stuffers for the girls, but I can't pick them up with the girls there.

I see Roger behind me with a cart. I back up to him, get very close, lean over, and say, "I need to come back here alone. Without the kids. Just some mommy time, okay?". Not taking my eyes off the children to make sure they aren't filling their hands with things we *need*.

He says nothing, so I sigh and tell him I'd really like to just spend some time alone with him for a change and not have the children with us every waking moment. Still no comment.

Meanwhile, A is shoving S, so I go over and separate them just as R comes up with the big red cart again. He tells me hi and sorry for leaving but he figured we did need the big cart after all.


I look up.... and finally look around me.

There is a man wearing a blue shirt (same as R) who is giving me the oddest look as he beats a hasty retreat away from me. Apparently it was HIM I was getting close to and not R at all!!!

Can't you just imagine what must have been going through his head?? LOL

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

You know you're on WW when.....

you mutter "Look at that, week 2 and I've already lost......"

and your 7 year old pipes up and says "Another ten pounds??"

HA! I wish!!!

(I've already lost the ziplock bag to send the required letter of the week pictures back to school in. I think that's a record. This is only the 2nd week it's been sent home!!)

should it concern me

that my 3yo son is sitting on the floor behind me, carefully yanking plugs of hair out of a doll's head and saying "Ouch Dad, that hurts" in a squeaky high-pitched falsetto voice with every yank??

Probably not half as much as the wrath of his sisters upon discovering their newly bald doll does.